Originally published in Malaysian Journal of Psychiatry, 2022
Prevalence of Depression, Anxiety, and Stress among Medical University Lecturers in Malaysia during COVID-19 Pandemic
A peer-reviewed journal article published in the Malaysian Journal of Psychiatry that described a study on the prevalence of symptoms of depression, anxiety and stress among university lecturers. This study which sheds light on the mental health challenges faced by university lecturers contributes to a deeper understanding of mental health challenges within selected populations and underscore the pressing need for mental health support systems tailored to specific populations.
Key Findings
  • 32.9% of participants had mild-to-very severe depression, 42.9% had mild-to-very severe stress, 42.8% had mild-to-very severe anxiety.
  • There was a statistically significant association between gender, age, and relationship status with BRS (P = 0.037, P = 0.032, and P = 0.002, respectively), whereas age was statistically significant with SWLS (P = 0.03).
This study shows that the Movement Control Order (MCO) for COVID-19 from 2020 to 2022 has greatly affected the mental health of university lecturers. A satisfaction with life study conducted showed that age is a factor linked to satisfaction with life. The BRS study conducted also showed that age and gender were factors that affected resilience.
Quek, Jia Hui; Lee, Xin Xue; Yee, Ryan Lau Koh; Tan, Xuen Yin; Ameresekere, Lumini Senara Nadarajah; Lim, Kean Ghee; Pinto, John1

4th Year Medical Student, International Medical University, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia
1ThoughtFull World Pte. Ltd., Singapore

Malaysian Journal of Psychiatry 31(1):p 7-12, Jan–Jun 2022. | DOI: 10.4103/mjp.mjp_3_22
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