Leading Employee Assistance Program (EAP) - ThoughtFull World™

Affordable and accessible end-to-end mental wellness solutions that help organisations drive employee productivity, performance, and greater employee retention.

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Trusted by leading insurers and organisations in AsiaClients


Employee Assistance Program For Organisations

Employee Assistance Programmes (EAPs) are initiatives sponsored by employers to support employees facing personal or work-related challenges that could affect their job performance, health, and well-being. EAPs aim to offer confidential counselling and support services, assisting employees in addressing and managing a broad spectrum of issues effectively.

ThoughtFull World has successfully supported plenty of organisations in their EAP initiatives. We offer highly customisable end-to-end solutions, ensuring they meet your specific organisational needs. 

EAP Benefits: Our EAP Services Drive Positive Impact



Improved Employee Wellbeing & Productivity

Our confidential counselling sessions offer a safe space for employees to untangle personal issues or work related problems. This increases their ability to work, which in turn improves employee engagement and productivity.

Reduced Absenteeism and Turnover

As employees are better equipped to navigate mental health challenges with individual counselling, this reduces work related stress, the need for sick leave and related healthcare costs. With a positive work environment, job satisfaction and employee retention both increase.

Identify Work Related Problems Early

ThoughtFull’s Employee Assistance Programme includes analytics to proactively anticipate potential sources of work related stress. Bite sized coaching and psychological first aid help employees maintain their emotional well being during crunch time.

Foster A Positive Workplace Culture

ThoughtFull’s Employee Assistance Programme fosters a positive company culture that drives organisational development forward. Investing in employee well being facilitates professional development, enhancing collaboration, employee retention, and productivity.

Our Employee Assistance Program In Numbers



Utilisation rate

(vs. 3% Industry Rate)




Average reduction in stress, anxiety and depression levels




Savings compared to Traditional EAPs


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Invest Your Long-Term Organisational Success: ThoughtFull’s EAP Services


Counseling sessions tailored to each employee's needs


Daily bite-sized coaching and resources on emotional well being


Proprietary analytics dashboard for preventive interventions

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Highly curated pool of mental health professionals from 16+ APAC countries

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24/7 unlimited access to receive professional support anywhere, anytime

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Webinars to help teams build a positive work environment


Book sessions, receive support, and gain access to analytics all in a single platform

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Total confidentiality and privacy

Invest Your Long-Term Organisational Success: ThoughtFull’s EAP Services

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Counseling sessions tailored to each employee's needs

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Daily bite-sized coaching and resources on emotional well being

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Proprietary analytics dashboard for preventive interventions

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Highly curated pool of mental health professionals from 16+ APAC countries

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24/7 unlimited access to receive professional support anywhere, anytime

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Webinars to help teams build a positive work environment

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Book sessions, receive support, and gain access to analytics all in a single platform

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Total confidentiality and privacy

Why Choose ThoughtFull World™ as Your EAP Provider?

How ThoughtFull’s Employee Assistance Programme Benefits Employees


Personalised End To End Care

Our holistic and integrated mental wellness program comprises both preventive and curative interventions according to individual employee needs.


Online and In-Person Counselling Sessions

We offer counselling services online and on-site, providing employees with options on how they can best receive support for their mental wellness.


Find Your Best-Fit Mental Health Professional

Employees can switch mental health professionals at no extra cost if they find their current one unhelpful. We have a diverse network of curated professionals from 10+ cultural backgrounds, languages, and specialisations.

Receive Support -
Anytime, Anywhere

Send unlimited texts and receive professional coaching advice with your dedicated mental health professional via our ThoughtFullChat app.


Track & Evaluate Progress

Our proprietary analytics dashboard lets employees measure, track, and evaluate their mental and emotional well being.


All-In-One Platform

Employees can access all these features conveniently via one single platform, our ThoughtFullChat app.

How ThoughtFull’s Employee Assistance Programme Supports Employers



Tailored to Organisational Needs

Every organisation has unique challenges and demands. ThoughtFull’s plug-and-play model allows full customisation and swift implementation of your company’s personalised Employee Assistance Programme.

Measurable Evidence-based Outcomes

ThoughtFull’s proprietary integrated insights dashboard lets employers measure, evaluate, and make informed data-driven decisions and maximise ROI to align with larger business objectives.


Qualified Mental Health Professionals

Our professionals are carefully vetted to offer only the best counselling services. Hailing from diverse cultural, linguistic, and disciplinary backgrounds, they possess relevant certifications and credentials in their respective geographies.

A-Z Support

We have a dedicated Client Success team to ensure your unique Employee Assistance Programme runs smoothly every step of the way.

  • Pay only for sessions purchased; no retainer fees or additional costs
  • Therapist panel has both local and international exposure
  • Easy to use and fully encrypted platform

Schedule a Demo or Have #AThoughtFullChat

Get a first-hand experience on how ThoughtFull delivers a seamless end-to-end mental healthcare personalized to your organizational needs or just reach out for a chat!  



Hear From Our Clients

Penelope Gan

"Of the players in the market, we chose to work with ThoughtFull because they were able to deliver quality end-to-end mental healthcare seamlessly for both the employer and our employees. Importantly, their offering is delivered thoughtfully, something that is hard to replicate."

- Penelope Gan, Chief Human Resources Officer

AIA Logo
Andrea Sy

"Before partnering with ThoughtFull, we were exploring different mental health providers but didn't find one that was able to provide quality and impactful services to our team members like ThoughtFull."

- Andrea Sy, Head of Technology and Innovation & Employee Wellbeing Program Lead

Focus Global
Catherine Chia

"What stood out to us about ThoughtFull is that its services were digital, scalable, and readily accessible. Above all, it is the passion and commitment displayed by all the ThoughtFull team members that compels us to partner with them"

- Catherine Chia, Chief Human Resources Officer

Starhub Logo

Frederick Yang

"We were looking for innovative and cost-effective solutions to support our employees who were experiencing stress, burnout and other mental health issues and was introduced to ThoughtFull, a leading digital mental health provider which offers seamless, affordable and personalised end-to-end mental wellbeing support"

- Frederick Yang, Chief Happiness Officer


Dennis Boc

"With the exceptional convenience of accessing highly qualified mental health professionals along with data-driven insights, ThoughtFull has empowered us to effectively address our employees' varying wellbeing needs. Thanks to ThoughtFull, our employees experienced a genuine sense of care for their wellbeing within our management"

- Dennis Boc, People Development Director


Are your employees thriving or just surviving?

Org assessment

Take our free organisational well being assessment to gauge employee wellness and shape a more positive and productive work culture. 

Assess your organization for free


Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) in Singapore: How An EAP Benefits Your Organisation

Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) are designed to assist employees in managing a wide range of issues that may impact their personal and/or work life. Investing in employee wellbeing fosters a mentally healthy workforce that drives productivity, work performance, and increased job satisfaction. 

Here’s how your organisation can benefit from an EAP: 


Increased Employee Productivity

Studies have repeatedly demonstrated the importance of employee wellness and it’s connection with job performance. Linking it to improvements in cognitive function, mentally healthy employeee are more present, focused, and motivated at work.

Counselling services offered under an Employee Assistance Programme lets employees receive guidance on personal issues such as communication skills or anger management. Employees are thus equipped to better navigate professional life, reducing the severity and incidence of workplace conflicts. 


Reduced Absenteeism and Associated Costs

With Singapore being the fourth most overworked city in the world, it comes to no surprise that the total cost of lost productivity in Singapore due to mental health conditions is around S$15.7b each year.  The array of statistics seems to show that employers who cut back on mental wellness services may incur higher business costs in the long run.

Additionally, investing in an Employee Assistance Programme also reduces healthcare costs. While stress from work is unavoidable, if prolonged and without proper support, this may render employees prone to illness or burnout. Employees consequently apply for sick leave more often, reducing work performance.

At ThoughtFull, our EAP services include preventive solutions such as providing employees bite-sized coaching resources to build employee resilience. This helps employees better weather through high-pressure periods at work. 


Fosters A Positive Workplace Culture

Employees are starting to prioritise mental wellness as a key consideration for employment. Taking steps to enhance workplace wellness has a direct impact on employee job satisfaction and their intrinsic motivation to go the extra mile. When employees feel supported, valued, and genuinely cared for, they derive more meaning and significance in what they do and are in turn more willing to stay with their organisation.

The initiatives under ThoughtFull’s Employee Assistance Programme offers companies practical handles to systematically foster a positive workplace culture.


Pre-Emptive Support: Identify Mental Health Issues Early

Keeping a regular pulse on employee mental health allows employers to identify mental health issues before they escalate into critical emergencies. A comprehensive Employee Assistance Programme would offer practical resources for both employers and employees, helping them mindfully navigate mental health conditions in the workplace.

Daily mental health check-ins via ThoughtFullChat can foster a proactive culture of mental wellness awareness among your employees. Additionally, our customised webinars and coaching conducted by mental health professionals equip companies with the necessary skills to manage potential escalations, should they occur.



ThoughtFull™ FAQs for Organizations

What is an Employee Assistance Programme (EAP)?

An Employee Assistance Programme is offered to support employees. Employee Assistance Programmes typically include counselling sessions and wellness assessments to help employees improve overall work performance.

Common issues discussed include work related problems, work life balance, stress management strategies or even personal problems.

How much do EAP services typically cost?

For Employers: Compared to conventional EAP providers for employers, clients generally save up to 60% with ThoughtFull. Our EAPs are customisable according to your organisational needs and budget.

For Employees: Designed to benefit employees, an Employee Assistance Program is typically offered at low or no cost to employees.

How can we measure the wellness program’s effectiveness?

Our clients will receive aggregated wellness outcomes, engagement and utilisation rates of all employees. This provides insights to organisations while safeguarding employees’ trust.

Our monthly report includes:

  1. Utilisation & engagement rates
  2. Top concerns reported by employees
  3. Emotional health insights

Is there a mental health program suitable for the management level?

Our Employee Assistance Programme provides personalised support to individuals at any level. All our professionals are carefully vetted and certified mental health professionals (counsellors and clinical psychologists) who are well-equipped to handle a variety of concerns.

We also have programs designed specifically for leaders to cultivate a safe environment and support team members empathetically.

Is a digital mental health program better than having an in-house coach/therapist?

ThoughtFull’s evidence-based frameworks focus on preventative to-crisis support using the latest clinical tools and analytics.

We have certified coaches in 16 locations that speak over 11 languages and dialects, covering over 30 different clinical specialities.

Our end-to-end digital mental health services range from flexible daily bite-sized coaching to 1-on-1 therapy and a 24/7 hotline for psychological first aid that allows users to access the service anytime, anywhere.

Which countries does ThoughtFull’s Employee Assistance Program cover?

We currently have certified mental health professionals in 16+ APAC countries, and are able to facilitate both online and in-person counselling sessions. Contact us for the most up-to-date list of countries where our services are offered.