Free Mental Health Test Malaysia for Individuals and Organisations

Take this mental health assessment to start with ThoughtFull and become your healthiest and best self yet!
Our free mental health test is a useful screening tool to identify possible symptoms and indicators for treatment needs. This is not a diagnosis for your mental health condition.



The ThoughtFull Mental Health Assessment, an iteration of DASS-21, is available to both individuals and organisations for free and takes 5-10 minutes to complete. Your results are made available immediately and kept strictly anonymous and confidential.  
You can access the ThoughtFull mental health assessments for Malaysia here:

Mental Health Test for Individuals

Feeling down a lot more than usual and unsure if it’s just a passing phase? Find out here. (Time: 3 min)

Mental Health Test for Organisations

Are the mental health programmes in your organisation actually effective? Take our test to find out. (Time: 5 min)
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Why You Should Consider Taking Our Mental Health Test

In our mental health assessment, we utilise the Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale (DASS-21). This is a widely accepted and credible self-reported assessment designed to help determine the risk factors for depression, anxiety, and stress.

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A Great Start to Monitoring Your Mental Health & Risk Factors

It is normal to experience short phases of depression, stress, and anxiety. However, problems develop if these persist over prolonged periods. 

An online mental health test is a quick and easy way to gauge your well-being. It captures a snapshot of how you are doing at a specific point in time. Our DASS-21 iteration doesn’t require much time to complete and lets individuals understand their current emotional state almost immediately. Certified professionals also use this tool to monitor changes during treatment. 

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Mental Health and Stress-Related Issues Are Increasing Among Malaysians

  • In 2022, in a mental health and wellness survey by Rakuten Insights, 59% of respondents (aged 16 to 24 years) indicated that they experienced a higher level of stress or anxiety in the past 12 months.
  • The National Health and Morbidity Survey 2022 showed that one in four teenagers had experienced depression, one in eight had suicidal thoughts, and 1 in 10 had attempted suicide.
  • Twice as many girls (36.1%) reported feeling depressed compared to boys (17.7%).

Using our assessment can be a great way to stimulate conversation around mental health, and de-stigmatise help-seeking in Malaysia. If you find value in completing our ThoughtFull mental health test, we invite you to share it with your friends and colleagues to encourage them to keep track of their mental well-being.


How To Interpret Our Mental Health Test Evaluation

Why ThoughtFull


What is the DASS-21 (Depression Anxiety Stress Scale)?

The Depression Anxiety Stress Scale is a 21-question assessment aimed at identifying an individual's mental and emotional well-being. It is a short test that takes around 3 minutes to complete.

Individuals will rate each statement from 0-3 according to how much it relates to them (0 - ‘not at all’, 3 - ‘nearly every day). Scores will be computed to identify the severity of depression, anxiety, or stress.

Some statements in the Depression Anxiety Stress Scale:

  • “I found it difficult to work up the initiative to do things”
  • “I felt down-hearted and blue”
  • “I found myself getting agitated”

While most assessments require participants to be minimally 18 years old, the minimum age requirement for the DASS-21 is 14, making mental health tests more accessible to younger participants.


Can the DASS-21 diagnose mental health conditions?

Like other assessments, the Depression Anxiety Stress Scale cannot diagnose mental health conditions. Certain symptoms common to depression or anxiety require a more rigorous evaluation before diagnosis.


Why should I take this mental health assessment if it cannot diagnose me?

While an online mental health assessment cannot diagnose you, the results of your assessment can:

Help you process and articulate emotions better
Indicate a need to take action to self-regulate or seek help from a professional

Ultimately, taking an assessment can be seen as an important first step in understanding your mental and emotional state, and whether you should take the next step in seeking help.

A licensed therapist in Malaysia would be able to discuss your test results with you, gather additional information, and then formulate a mental health diagnosis to support your treatment goals.

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How do I get a mental health diagnosis in Malaysia?

As mentioned above, you can get started by scheduling a session with a clinical psychologist in Malaysia. A diagnosis requires extensive testing and interviews about your life, work, school, and personal history. It may also take more than one session.

A clinical psychologist can exclude false positives and pick up nuances that online assessments cannot. This holistic evaluation will allow for an accurate diagnosis and treatment roadmap.

If you’re looking to schedule a session, our ThoughtFull app will be able to connect you to a team of clinical psychologists, counsellors and mental health therapists. We offer Online Chat, Online Video and In-Person options in Malaysia.

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How often do I need to assess my mental health?

Online mental health tests prove most useful when done regularly and monitored over time. This is useful for identifying trends or anomalies and helping you decide if further support is needed.

When part of a treatment plan, it is up to the clinical psychologist to determine the frequency of assessment. 

Alternatively, our ThoughtFullChat mental health app offers users a daily assessment check-in. This lets users regularly monitor their emotional well-being and walk through the results with a professional should they require more support. 

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How much does it cost to check my mental health condition in Malaysia?

Most mental health assessments in Malaysia, like ours, are completely free for all.

However, if you wish to speak to a professional, it will not be free. For those interested, we consolidated the various types of therapy services in Malaysia and their prices.